Colonial Letters and the Contact of Knowledges

Pepetual Mforbe Chiangong

African Literatures and Cultures

Humboldt University Berlin, Germany

Research Interests

Postcolonial literatures, critical theory, African theatre/drama/performance, theatre for development, people’s film for development and the representations of old age in African literatures.

Selected Publications

Summary of research topic in the CL&CK project

Literary Politics and Identity Construction in Colonial Letters

In this project, I intend to explore the literary components constructed in the language  of colonial correspondences  in early 20th century-British Southern Cameroons. First of all, the  research identifies these literary aspects and debates on how they underscore the narratological quality of the letters. Emphasis will be placed on how this quality affects the intended message  conveyed in the context of interlocution. Further, the identified literary elements are analysed to critically centralise the  intersectionality of power, gender, class, race and age, in a bid to find out how they have enabled a construction of the shifting identities of  indigenous people, politics and culture in British Southern Cameroons. Importantly, interest will be placed on how the geo-political mobility of the correspondences, perhaps, generates a critical site for anti-colonial nationalist thoughts that might have prepared  Southern Cameroons for sovereignty.